When i want to xml data load to the combobox . i got this solution. Its very simple to load the xml data. this the xml data.

    <ItemName>Architecting ASP.NET Applications
    <ItemName>Fundamentals of N-Tier eBook</ItemName>
    <ItemName>Security for ASP.NET Developers
this is stackpanel resource load, it will load on window loaded
  <XmlDataProvider x:Key="ItemsData"
                   XPath="Items/Item" />
Its a combobox wirte like this, i loaded in ItemName if you want price load to another one combobox just change the xPath and then automatically load the price data to the combobox.
<ComboBox Name="Items" MinWidth="200" Style="{StaticResource RequiredComboBox}" Foreground="Black" FontSize="30" IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="False" SelectedIndex="0">
                        <Style TargetType="ComboBoxItem">
                            <Setter Property="Padding" Value="5">
                        <Binding Source="{StaticResource ItemsData}" XPath="ItemName" />


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